Bonnie Talley
Founder of Gabriel's House and Author of Safe in His Wings
"In a perfect world every child would have a loving, safe and nurturing home environment that imitates God's love for us. At Gabriel's House we attempt to fill that gap."
My Story
Listening to God's call on her heart, Bonnie founded this afterschool program for latchkey children over 25 years ago. She truly believes every child is created with a purpose – even those with less fortunate circumstances. Bonnie states, "In a perfect world, every child would have a loving, safe, and nurturing home environment that imitates God's love for us." And that is the mission of Gabriel's House for these "children of promise."
Since its beginning in 1997, it has become apparent that this is a year-round need. However, no suitable building met the criteria for all the program's requirements and beyond. This new home will reach far to meet needs in many ways beyond afterschool mentoring.
The one-story forever home will be located on the highest land point in Duncan on the Chickasaw Nation land near Elk Avenue and Country Club Road. Adjacent is a nursing home and rehabilitation facility to allow for the integration of activities periodically with school children and senior adults.
This facility will be far-reaching in our community, offering hope through educational outreach to unite and strengthen family dynamics with evening and weekend events. Summer activities will keep it alive and active when school is not in session.