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Room Layout September 2024.jpg

Building Soon

How You can make a difference:

  • Donations by cash, check, money order, or credit card

  • Stocks & Bonds

  • Grants

  • Room pledges in honor of or in memory of individuals

  • Pledges for equipment and furnishings

  • Business benefactors for in-kind donations of product or labor

  • Bequeaths from estates or a portion thereof


All monies raised beyond the cost of this Forever Home will be placed into a secure endowment fund earmarked for its maintenance and future growth needs of the facility.

Name the Entire Facility

You can name the entire facility by donating the entire amount below.

Donor Levels

Kids in Preschool


The opportunities for use are endless! Not only will it serve the children for recreational activities indoors (such as karate, dance, basketball, etc.) and the music program JAM (Jesus and Me) that is part of the afterschool programming.   It will house activities related to Gabriel’s House, such as the annual benefit fundraiser, children’s holiday music programs, and theater activities. This space can also play host to large-sized community-related educational opportunities.

Dining Hall

It will be wonderful to have a spacious dining area for children to fellowship as they eat together in one space. This area can double as a meeting space for staff and/or families as needed (such as with parenting or budget classes).

Kitchen Area
Dishwasher Room
Walk In Freezer

The new area will be fully equipped with a walk-in freezer, large refrigerator, commercial dishwasher, and ample pantry space to allow the staff to provide healthy snacks and prepare a “home-cooked” meal before students are dismissed home.





Gabriel’s House is a Christian-based after school program created to provide a safe, nurturing and enriching environment for at promise grade school children.

Kids Playing

Art Room

A spacious "dream come true room" to host the art classes with ample wall space to display the students' work. The art easels can be accessed at all times. The instruction workstation for demonstrations of projects in motion will be so handy. Completing this space will be a kiln and sink.



​The stage area will be invaluable for its elevation for many of the activities in this room.  It will be accessible to those with physical limitations from the back of the stage area as well as inside the gym/auditorium by steps.


7 Available

1 Sponsored

Each grade will be separated to make the curriculum specific to age-related activities. As each area is spacious, the collective number of students in each grade level of K-5 can increase. Each room will be equipped with a large TV for educational programming. The Kindergarten room will have toilets and a sink in the room.






Our program offers activities conducive to healthy mental, physical and spiritual growth. 

Kids in Church

STEM Classroom

Each grade will be separated to make the curriculum specific to age-related activities. As each area is spacious, the collective number of students in each grade level of K-5 can increase. Each room will be equipped with a large TV for educational programming. The Kindergarten room will have toilets and a sink in the room.


Training Room

This room will double for essential meetings for Gabriel’s House staff and the Foundation Board of Directors meeting space.

Resource Room

What an ideal place, centrally located near all the classrooms, to store all the necessary supplies for teaching each day. Every teacher will have access at all times to this space.





It promotes Christian unity and love while teaching character assets, moral standards, respect for others, healthyself-esteem, and social skills.

Kids in Church

Art Work Room

This accessory space to the art room will have incredible storage ability for all the art supplies used in class as well as a proper place to utilize the paper cutter and other equipment needed for art instruction.


This is a small intimate space adjacent to the counselor’s office. It will serve as a safe place for anyone to decompress during a trying time.



3 Available

The four offices are for use by specific Gabriel’s House staff (Executive Director, Receptionist/Assistant Director, and County Coordinator), with one of them for the Gabriel’s House Foundation Director.






Founded in 1998 as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) program, Gabriel's House serves elementary aged students in Kindergarten - 5th grade each day of the school year.

Kids Blowing Bubbles

Dressing Rooms

1 Available

These two rooms will be designated as one for men and one for women to allow for privacy while preparing for events in the gym/auditorium.



Counselor's Office

Having a counselor intermittently on site will be a valuable asset in helping with student issues and providing parental support. The privacy of designated office space will be an incredible addition to the programming offered after school and beyond.


7 Available


Student Restrooms

These will be segregated and have multiple stalls and sinks in each of the four restrooms for use in the student wing. No more waiting in line, especially when the need is urgent!


Adult Restrooms

Adults will be able to have a private space to use for their toileting needs.


Staff Restrooms

The staff can use this toilet for their privacy, away from the children.




Our focus is on upholding exemplary ethical principles in everything we do.

Kids Playing Tug of War

Outdoor Play Area

3 Available

The children will have three play spaces, complete with age-appropriate equipment and safety fencing around the space.

Office Supply/Workroom


Within the office space area is office equipment and other goods to be shared by all entities.

7 Available

Supply Closet

There are many opportunities to store items needed throughout each day of programming. There will be a need to place other specialty items, such as art panels, seasonal decorations, extra tables and chairs, carts, dollies, and recreational equipment, in a safe but accessible space. Janitorial supplies will be available in a closet, as some mechanical equipment.





Dressing Rooms

Our focus is on upholding exemplary ethical principles in everything we do.

Kids Playing in Snow

Sick Bay

This space will accommodate a child that is not feeling their best. It is in full view of the GH Director’s office.


We want all of our customers to experience the impressive level of professionalism when working with Gabriel's House Foundation. All of our services, especially this one, exist to make your life easier and stress free. You can trust us to supply you with the best products, as well as top quality customer service.


Blessing Closet

Often the bare necessities are of urgent need to some of the children. This space will host an array of personal hygiene items, clothing, and other essential goods.






We promote a positive self-image and excellent social abilities.

You have the chance to put your name on something special. Fill out the form below and get ready to make your mark. A member of our team will reach out to you within five business days. Don't wait any longer to seize this incredible naming opportunity!

Donation Form
Give to our Forever Home Today!

Someone will be in contact with you within five business days.

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